Mar 23, 2013

Moved to tumblr

I decided to move to tumblr. Why?

In part because of looks and functionality: It looks better and feels more modern. This is opposed to blogger that is old and ugly, and has been stale for quite some time.

And in part because google is the keeper of blogger - and given that google seems to let so many of its side project whither and die nowadays (most recent being google reader), I don’t feel safe being there. It’s either google+ or die. This is opposed to tumblr, where I assume that the owners have a large interest in its continuation.

Mar 22, 2013

Neither dead nor giving up...

Time for some updates. Looking at the TODO list:

 - Get a job. // Fixed
 - Go on a vacation (haven't had one in a long time) // It's planned, fuck yeah.
 - Get a drivers licensce (started practising today). // Well underway
 - Read a few classics on investing (The intelligent investor and One up on wall street are on their way) and carry out a few proper analysies. // On the way, also reading 5 rules for successful stock investing. Investing has been quite the hobby lately. Will get back to the analysies in June, when I'll at least look att Boule.
 - Introspect a lot about the many biases that show themselves when investing. Derive some scheme to counteract them. // In the back of the head
 - Read hpmor and other LW stuff. // 1/4 of hpmor, not much on LW.

Recent investment stuff:
 * Sold of H&M. I can't evaluate the company and they're quite expensive.
 * Added to my position in Boule. I like them a lot, and I've put some effort into to analyzing them. Classify it as high risk though.
 * Kept Handelsbanken for a while, sold with +12%. The reason that I sold is that I can't analyze them (and I'm happy to take the 12%)
 * Sold all my gold. I want to keep my money primarily in the stock market. I only expect gold to be safety against inflation (in the long run, with a lot of volatility in the short term, which is only negative), and I think I can do better than that.
 * Added to my position in Apple. To cheap to resist (although now half my portfolio is Apple, which is rather risky. But f-it, the more I learn about them the more I realize what a fantastic company they are and how undervalued they are right now. It's reasonable for me to take some well placed risks).
 * I've got a bit of monies laying around that I can invest, but I don't want to rush and I'll wait for a good opportunity.

* Started to look at OpenCL. Parallellism is fun and will become even more important. Anyone with experience?