Mar 22, 2013

Neither dead nor giving up...

Time for some updates. Looking at the TODO list:

 - Get a job. // Fixed
 - Go on a vacation (haven't had one in a long time) // It's planned, fuck yeah.
 - Get a drivers licensce (started practising today). // Well underway
 - Read a few classics on investing (The intelligent investor and One up on wall street are on their way) and carry out a few proper analysies. // On the way, also reading 5 rules for successful stock investing. Investing has been quite the hobby lately. Will get back to the analysies in June, when I'll at least look att Boule.
 - Introspect a lot about the many biases that show themselves when investing. Derive some scheme to counteract them. // In the back of the head
 - Read hpmor and other LW stuff. // 1/4 of hpmor, not much on LW.

Recent investment stuff:
 * Sold of H&M. I can't evaluate the company and they're quite expensive.
 * Added to my position in Boule. I like them a lot, and I've put some effort into to analyzing them. Classify it as high risk though.
 * Kept Handelsbanken for a while, sold with +12%. The reason that I sold is that I can't analyze them (and I'm happy to take the 12%)
 * Sold all my gold. I want to keep my money primarily in the stock market. I only expect gold to be safety against inflation (in the long run, with a lot of volatility in the short term, which is only negative), and I think I can do better than that.
 * Added to my position in Apple. To cheap to resist (although now half my portfolio is Apple, which is rather risky. But f-it, the more I learn about them the more I realize what a fantastic company they are and how undervalued they are right now. It's reasonable for me to take some well placed risks).
 * I've got a bit of monies laying around that I can invest, but I don't want to rush and I'll wait for a good opportunity.

* Started to look at OpenCL. Parallellism is fun and will become even more important. Anyone with experience?

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