Jan 12, 2013

Greed is good ...

since it provides incentive to use your resources in the most efficient way. True greed works in the long term.

Liberterianism is good, since it frees each person to use their life in the most effecient way. Whatever that means depends on each person.

I've started looking at free to choose, high quality stuff. I like Milton Friedman. His grandson is up to some interesting stuff as well.


Other stuff:
 - Changed the design of this blog a bit, I'm quite happy with the current iteration.
 - Added another cat to the household, so now we have the cats Mises and Pip.
 - Bought some H&M stock at a fairly good price, got some before and after a recent dip following some negative reports. I think I bought them at a reasonable price, especially considering that the dividend payout isn't to far away (May).

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