Mar 23, 2013

Moved to tumblr

I decided to move to tumblr. Why?

In part because of looks and functionality: It looks better and feels more modern. This is opposed to blogger that is old and ugly, and has been stale for quite some time.

And in part because google is the keeper of blogger - and given that google seems to let so many of its side project whither and die nowadays (most recent being google reader), I don’t feel safe being there. It’s either google+ or die. This is opposed to tumblr, where I assume that the owners have a large interest in its continuation.

Mar 22, 2013

Neither dead nor giving up...

Time for some updates. Looking at the TODO list:

 - Get a job. // Fixed
 - Go on a vacation (haven't had one in a long time) // It's planned, fuck yeah.
 - Get a drivers licensce (started practising today). // Well underway
 - Read a few classics on investing (The intelligent investor and One up on wall street are on their way) and carry out a few proper analysies. // On the way, also reading 5 rules for successful stock investing. Investing has been quite the hobby lately. Will get back to the analysies in June, when I'll at least look att Boule.
 - Introspect a lot about the many biases that show themselves when investing. Derive some scheme to counteract them. // In the back of the head
 - Read hpmor and other LW stuff. // 1/4 of hpmor, not much on LW.

Recent investment stuff:
 * Sold of H&M. I can't evaluate the company and they're quite expensive.
 * Added to my position in Boule. I like them a lot, and I've put some effort into to analyzing them. Classify it as high risk though.
 * Kept Handelsbanken for a while, sold with +12%. The reason that I sold is that I can't analyze them (and I'm happy to take the 12%)
 * Sold all my gold. I want to keep my money primarily in the stock market. I only expect gold to be safety against inflation (in the long run, with a lot of volatility in the short term, which is only negative), and I think I can do better than that.
 * Added to my position in Apple. To cheap to resist (although now half my portfolio is Apple, which is rather risky. But f-it, the more I learn about them the more I realize what a fantastic company they are and how undervalued they are right now. It's reasonable for me to take some well placed risks).
 * I've got a bit of monies laying around that I can invest, but I don't want to rush and I'll wait for a good opportunity.

* Started to look at OpenCL. Parallellism is fun and will become even more important. Anyone with experience?

Jan 12, 2013

Greed is good ...

since it provides incentive to use your resources in the most efficient way. True greed works in the long term.

Liberterianism is good, since it frees each person to use their life in the most effecient way. Whatever that means depends on each person.

I've started looking at free to choose, high quality stuff. I like Milton Friedman. His grandson is up to some interesting stuff as well.


Other stuff:
 - Changed the design of this blog a bit, I'm quite happy with the current iteration.
 - Added another cat to the household, so now we have the cats Mises and Pip.
 - Bought some H&M stock at a fairly good price, got some before and after a recent dip following some negative reports. I think I bought them at a reasonable price, especially considering that the dividend payout isn't to far away (May).

Jan 8, 2013

The coming year.

It's a new year and I thought I might write a few notes about what I look forward to in the coming year and what I like the theme of the coming year to be (including some practical committments).

So the largest change in my life will be that I graduate with a master of science in engineering. I look forward to this a great deal, I've been studying for a long time and I've felt ready to start working for almost a year now. I'll do my thesis at a company at which I worked during the summer and autumn, perhaps I'll even land a job there later. What I look forward to is:
 - Start doing real stuff, which is more fun, interesting and motivating.
 - Regular working hours.
 - Earn (instead of borrow) money.

So, what would I like to accomplish this year, what will the theme of this year be? Last years was to grow up and start working, which I did to the largest extent possible given my studies. The theme of this year will be to start living an adult lifestyle full time. Some stuff I want to get done:
 - Graduate (which means start and finish the thesis, starting next week)
 - Get a job.
 - Go on a vacation (haven't had one in a long time)
 - Get a drivers licensce (started practising today).
 - Read a few classics on investing (The intelligent investor and One up on wall street are on their way) and carry out a few proper analysies.
 - Introspect a lot about the many biases that show themselves when investing. Derive some scheme to counteract them.
 - Read hpmor and other LW stuff.


Regarding my recent investments. I've sold of most of them except Apple, Boule Diagnostics and Avanza Zero.
 - Having read a fair bit about, and looked at a fair bit of numbers I've determined that I think Apple is currently undervalued, therefore I invest in them.
 - I've looked a bit at Boule Diagnostics, their business model, their numbers and their growth potential and determined that I like to own a share of their company (albeit a small one).
 - Avanza zero is just nice.
 - I'll probably add a position in H&M in the near future aswell, following reasoning from authority and their current fairly cheap stock.

I'll end up with something like 175ksek invested in the first half of this year. Will hopefully add more during the autumn as I start to actually earn money.

Dec 27, 2012


So, I've recently begun investing my money, which up until now has either lain dormant in a bank account or in some fund from long ago. I think I've learned a lot in this short time, by making many mistakes of course. Some mistakes/things I learned/thoughts:

  - It's a mistake to listen to other people and their stock picks; especially people that says a stock will rise an awful lot in a short time. Or rather, this is dangerous when I can't asses the business and judge whether this is reasonable or not. Why do you make this mistake? Greed makes you think like an addict.. Fortunately I managed to get out of the way and sell (with a small profit aswell, woho luck) my stocks picked in this way.
 - Learned a lot about value investing a lá Graham and Buffet. This will be my style of investment going forward.
 - I bought stock that I didn't really believe in in the long run, but which I think might be undervalued at this time. Is this wrong? Personally I don't like it. My money should buy a part of a business that I believe in.
 - Learned that investing and the greed that is associated with it can hijack your brain and cause many irrational, and costly, decisions.
 - Learned that courtage will eat your  monies if you trade a lot.
 - Learned that many so called analysts suck big time.
 - Learned that there is a lot of irrationality in the stock market. Stocks can be very overvalued or undervalued. Undervalued stocks is a road to riches.
  - Take it easy, don't chase after opportunity. If you do you'll likely make mistakes, plus it's quite fatiguing.
 - I know that I have a lot of technical stuff to learn (how to read reports and evaluate the company based on them).
 - I learned that it'll be very hard to follow these learnings - my primate brain tells me to do otherwise.
 - Try to stick with companies that you understand.

Thoughts about my stock picks for 2012.

A sizable chunk will be apple which has an undervalued stock at the moment (p/e of 8-10, where the lower value is the adjusted p/e due to their enormous amount of cash and no debt). Their business is amazing and they consistently find new markets and dominate the profit share of the existing ones. Given my current level of understanding of them I at least believe in them for a few years, or as long as Jobs' ideas are churned out. I don't know about longer though, I'll have to investigate further (who is Tim Cook?).

A sizable chunk will be avanza zero, which is an index fund without any fees. I keep this as a kind insurance against my newbie decisions.

A sizable chunk will probably be H&M, a very good company going forwards. A bit expensive at the moment though, will look for a better opportunity to buy.

A medium chunk will be Arcam, a 3D printer company. 3D printing is a very interesting technology and it will change the face of personal and industrial manufacturing in the relatively near future. When looking for companies to invest in this was the only company with a reasonable price tag, p/e 25 (although a lot of profit is expected for the next quarter). They also have a large amount of capital, and they don't seem to have much competition in their piece of the market. Other public 3D companies are 3D systems and Stratasys, although they trade a bubble prices right now (p/e close to 100), and I'm not interested a the moment.

A small chunk will be Lundin Petroleum, based on their history and current findings. I'll need to look into them more though.

Another small chunk will be Boule Diagnostics. Looking at their numbers, business model, outlook and management I'm fairly impressed.

Another small chunk will be Endomines, which is a rather small goldmine in Finland with fairly good numbers (amount of gold produced, no to much debt). They seems to have good management aswell, who in turn own a lot of stock in the company (and much of it recently bought). They still loose money though. We'll see, I keep this company in large part because I want to learn how they behave, and I'm ready to pay for it..

The smallest chunk will be Seamless distribution. They provide payment by mobile phones. I like their performance thus far this year and I like their product, CEO and their business model (to basically drastically reduce the cost for vendors during payment, credit card companies eat a large part of the profit for many vendors. Follow the money..). I give them a reasonable chance going forwards.

Looking over it many of the companies are not in line with the Graham/Buffet school. But I want to learn how these companies, and their markets aswell as the stock market, work and small investments in them provide excellent incentive.

Dec 24, 2012

And so a new journal is started

I've written a lot of different journals through the years, on different platforms and covering different topics. But the purpose of all of them have in some sense always been to help with personal growth, to study and write about my interests and for general journal keeping. The difference between them therefore lie in what has been most pressing issues on a personal growth level and what my interests have been, however the interests have been fairly stable. This journal will probably have the same purpose.

So, what does this translate to on a practical level? I think you can expect to see posts about:
 - Rationality, what it is and how we sometimes suck at it.
   - How to become more rational.
 - Economics
   - General economics
   - Investor economics (fundamental analysis - I'm a noob but interested).
   - Startups - I want to be an entrepreneur some day.
 - The whys in life.
 - Programming - work and often a hobby.