Jan 8, 2013

The coming year.

It's a new year and I thought I might write a few notes about what I look forward to in the coming year and what I like the theme of the coming year to be (including some practical committments).

So the largest change in my life will be that I graduate with a master of science in engineering. I look forward to this a great deal, I've been studying for a long time and I've felt ready to start working for almost a year now. I'll do my thesis at a company at which I worked during the summer and autumn, perhaps I'll even land a job there later. What I look forward to is:
 - Start doing real stuff, which is more fun, interesting and motivating.
 - Regular working hours.
 - Earn (instead of borrow) money.

So, what would I like to accomplish this year, what will the theme of this year be? Last years was to grow up and start working, which I did to the largest extent possible given my studies. The theme of this year will be to start living an adult lifestyle full time. Some stuff I want to get done:
 - Graduate (which means start and finish the thesis, starting next week)
 - Get a job.
 - Go on a vacation (haven't had one in a long time)
 - Get a drivers licensce (started practising today).
 - Read a few classics on investing (The intelligent investor and One up on wall street are on their way) and carry out a few proper analysies.
 - Introspect a lot about the many biases that show themselves when investing. Derive some scheme to counteract them.
 - Read hpmor and other LW stuff.


Regarding my recent investments. I've sold of most of them except Apple, Boule Diagnostics and Avanza Zero.
 - Having read a fair bit about, and looked at a fair bit of numbers I've determined that I think Apple is currently undervalued, therefore I invest in them.
 - I've looked a bit at Boule Diagnostics, their business model, their numbers and their growth potential and determined that I like to own a share of their company (albeit a small one).
 - Avanza zero is just nice.
 - I'll probably add a position in H&M in the near future aswell, following reasoning from authority and their current fairly cheap stock.

I'll end up with something like 175ksek invested in the first half of this year. Will hopefully add more during the autumn as I start to actually earn money.

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